Wednesday, January 9, 2008

How 'Bout THIS Dawg!?

About six months ago we lost our beloved white Bulldog, Fireball. We still don't know how it happened, but over the course of two weeks she lost all motor functions. It was a tough time for us, and we miss her dearly.

In early November I was back in Athens, Georgia for the Homecoming game against Troy State (a game that was a LOT closer than anyone would have guessed pre-season). Before the game I caught up with Sonny Seiler, owner of UGA (pronounced, "ug-ga"), Georgia's beloved mascot. Sonny's a bit of a legend amongst Dawg fans. For over 50 years, the Seiler family has sired these dogs. For those of you counting, we're currently on UGA VI.

Sonny and UGA have also been immortalized in the book, "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil", as well of the 1997 movie adaptation of same. In the movie UGA played himself, while Sonny played a judge. Those of you who are real UGA fans probably know that actor Jack Thompson played Sonny.

"Sorry to hear about the loss of your Dawg," Sonny said, "you let me know when your family is ready for another one." I told Mr. Seiler that I appreciated both the condolences and the offer, an offer I couldn't help but wonder if it was just polite conversation or the 'real deal'. I've known of more than a few folks who'd asked Sonny for a bulldog pup, only to be politely told no. Being offered a puppy who's daddy is THE UGA is high cotton where I come from. It's tantamount to being offered a winning lottery ticket: it doesn't happen often, and you'd be a damn fool to decline it.

In between flights on my way home, I called Amie and mentioned Sonny's offer. "Do you think he was serious?" was her response. "We shall see," I said. We didn't have to wait long. As a matter of fact, as I my final plane landed in San Luis, I turned on my cellphone and noticed I had one voicemail message. It was from a "Miss Becky" in Moultrie, Georgia. "Mr. Garretson? Mr. Sonny asked me to give you a call. He's told me to put you at the top of the list for a puppy."

True to his word, Sonny wasted no time in extending his most generous offer. Six weeks ago, UGA VI sired a litter, only one of which was an all-white...a little girl. As this is UGA's coloring, all-whites are especially prized. The fact that our Fireball was an all-white girl made the decision even easier...we wanted - and got - dibs on this puppy.

It will be a few more weeks before the litter is old enough to leave their parents, and I'll be heading back to Georgia to pick her up. Miss Becky sent us these photos of our sweet girl, and I just had to share them with you.

And, yes, we've already settled on her name: VIVI (pronounced, "viv-vee"). Amie's always wanted a dog with that name, and as her daddy's UGA VI, it just seems a natural!


Jack Edwards said...

Awesome, I want one of her pups when she's old enough

Mat Garretson said...

Rest assured you'll get the pick of her first litter...provided there's a LARGE format Miner Cabernet in my future!

Melissa said...

Mat, she's sooooo cute! I loved the pic you emailed Marissa yesterday too - what a pretty pup.

Look forward to "meeting" you on the phone one of these days soon.
