Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Idle Hands.

I know, I know...I really need another hobby other than Photoshop. But, in my defense, the last few weeks have been rather rainy, and it's been difficult to practice my other hobby of outdoor cat juggling. As we all know, cats hate getting wet.

But, thankfully for us all, the skies around SLO have finally parted, and the sun is out. Which means I'll be out and away from my computer. But, before I do, let me leave you with my latest Photoshop effort:

Fans of great Bourbon will have no trouble identifying this as a blatant knock-off of one of the best Bourbons on this (or any other) planet: Old Rip Van Winkle's Family Reserve 20 Year Old. If you have never heard of, or have never had tasted, the exceptional efforts of this master distiller, I urge you to check them out HERE. They are the benchmark for Bourbon.

Over the years I've been fortunate to have gotten to know Julian and Sissy Van Winkle, proprietors of Old Rip Van Winkle Distillery. I only hope that this tongue-in-cheek tribute to the 20 Year Old doesn't upset them. They've got a pretty good sense of humor, though. It remains to be seen if I do.

And with that, I'm out the door!

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