Saturday, April 12, 2008

Back to the Future and Back.

Okay, I've given a little more thought to an entry for The Skwib's contest. Vintage ad art, to which the contestant adds in a futuristic vision...and one not of their own making, but rather one in the popular culture (books, TV, Movie, etc.).

Here's one for you Ann Rynd fans:
And let's not forget Ray Bradbury:

And, for you Woody Allen fans:
And while perhaps not technically following The Skwib's rules, I do like this one:
It's got it all...a post-apocalyptic future, a retro look, my Minnesotan-born wife's favorite house feature and damn dirty apes!

Doubtless I could come up with more, but my kids are calling for help with their Pinewood Derby Cars. The race is this Wednesday, so we've got to get working on some wood!

And while I go work on cars, YOU go check out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are fabulous!