Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Erin Go Flying.

Seems a bunch of vacationing Irishmen recently boarded a Thomas Cook airliner in London Gatwick bound for Cuba. It would appear that all of them had an innate fear of flying...what else could explain the fact that, prior to the flight, all of the Irish lads decided to get butt-plowed?

Oh yeah, I forgot...they're Irish.

The merriment continued unabated on the flight down to Cuba, with the Irish passengers entertaining their seatmates with trying to open one of the emergency exits*, as well as the occasional punch to their face. Now that's in-flight entertainment...coming at you in 3-D! It would appear that they partied non-stop throughout their stay in Cuba. 17 of the Irish revelers were so drunk that they were denied boarding the return flight to Gatwick.

Talk about playing to your stereotype.

*And, before you fret about something like that ever happening on your flight, let me tell you: it's impossible to open an emergency exit - or any other door - on an airliner in flight. Well, a pressurized airliner, anyway.


Anonymous said...

The old saying is true.. Alcohol is Gods way of keepng the Irish from taking over the world.

Mat Garretson said...

Or, at the very least, from boarding a return flight home!

Anonymous said...

Just an observation..They have to be passengers because there is not an adult in Ireland that would qualify with the 12 hour bottle to throttle laws for pilots..

Mat Garretson said...

Absolutely...I think pilots for Air Lingus are required by law to consume a pint of Guinness every 15 minutes while in the cockpit. That, and the Black Box actually holds the keg.