Things sure have changed since I last applied for a job. Just today I was instructed to complete an on-line questionnaire for a potential employer. Of the fifty questions asked, 18% of them concerned drug use. Don't believe me? Well, my friend, here they are...straight off the questionnaire:
3) How often do you use recreational drugs (street drugs) other than marijuana (pot, grass)?
8) When do you use marijuana (pot, grass)?
16) Excluding medicine you got from a doctor, which of the following drugs do you use? You may enter more than 1 answer for this question.
19) Excluding medicine you got from a doctor, which of the following drugs do you use? You may enter more than 1 answer for this question.
22) Excluding medicine you got from a doctor, which of the following drugs do you use? You may enter more than 1 answer for this question.
29) How often do you come to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs?
31) How often does your use of recreational drugs (street drugs) interfere with your work?
35) When do you drink alcohol?
As for the other 82% of the questionnaire? Most of the questions asked - in some manner or another - if I were the type of person who settled arguments through fist fights. Uh-huh. I felt like answering that I did enjoy punching someone in the face, but only if they stole my stash.
Is the average American working stiff showning such a propensity for drugs and violence that it's now necessary to utilize nearly 50% of a pre-employment questionnaire to screen them out? And is the average American working stiff so whacked out on goofballs that they get caught answering in the positive to these questionnaires?? Or is it that I am applying for a job with the wrong type of employer?
Interesting questions...and ones that I'd like to find the answers to. Sadly I don't have the time. I've got to go score some airplane glue before I head into work.
Interesting questions...and ones that I'd like to find the answers to. Sadly I don't have the time. I've got to go score some airplane glue before I head into work.
Mat, You do live in California.
Love the driving answer.
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